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  • If the visible region gets very bad suddenly due to the fog or darkness while you're driving, the rear lights or the headlights are automatically turned on, for your smooth and safe driving.
  • As Carsol automatically turns the rear lights (headlights) on and off, you can prevent the battery from discharged due to forgetting to turn the lights off.
  • Carsol enables you(driver) to keep the safe and smooth driving by helping other drivers to recognize your car.

  The solar cell which was attached to the Carsol detects the ultraviolet ray, infrared ray, and visible ray of the solar ray. And the detected signal controls the operation of rear lights (headlights).

  • When you start your car, Carsol starts its operation.
  • As the Carsol is powered by the car battery, if you stop your car's engine, the Carsol is also turned off. Eventually, you can prevent the car battery from being discharged.
  • Carsol is turned on in snowy (rainy, foggy) weather/ in the tunnel(basement parking lot)/ at sunset(sunrise). ¡¡


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